If you follow the Creative Juice Blog then you already know that I, Mindy Starr, have an obsession with macarons. And recently I have wanted to push the limits by creating unique shaped macarons - not just your typical macarons! It has taken a lot of trial and error - especially with baking time and temp but I am excited to share with you one of our recent macarons, and they perfect for Fall CARAMEL APPLE PIE FILLING we filled them with!
Tired of seeing red hearts everywhere? Well, today we bring you a little eye candy that's apple-shaped instead... Leoni from Just call me Martha , created a Back to School bash for her little girl's 4th Birthday and she used some of our FREEBIE Back to School printables (keep reading). Isn't she clever?! Top of the class, Leoni!! :)
My little girl is starting kindergarten this September (yikes!) and my son is moving up to a "big" class so the nest will seem a little quieter without my little chicks for a few hours of the day. ...They grow up fast don't they?!! To help make this step a little easier and less scary for them (and for hubs and I too), we decided to celebrate and make this occasion a "happy" one. You know the old saying: "Keep calm and have a cupcake?" Well, this is exactly what I am aiming for!! :)