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About Me

My photo
Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, graphic designer, freelance photographer, magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.

Party Press & Latest Features

Bird's Party Shop will be closing for the Holidays on Friday 17th until January 3rd, and I'll also be taking a break from the blog for a while, in order to re-charge my batteries and spend some quality time with my family! :)

I'm very thankful for all the great friends I have met through the blog this year, and also for all the support and comments received by so many wonderful readers, sponsors, followers, subscribers and sweet customers!

Party Press & Latest Features

This has been our first Christmas Season, and a very joyful one at that! And that's in part because of the support and encouraging feedback we have received from all of you! So before wrapping things up here, I'd just like to say a very special thanks to all those who helped to spread the word about our Holiday Party Collections on their blogs, on Facebook and anywhere else!! :)

Party Press & Latest Features -

Party Press & Latest Features - 

Party Press & Latest Features - 

These are just a few of the many blogs and sites that kindly shared our content!

So thank you all so much for your generosity, kind words and for taking the time to share our work on your stunning sites and blogs!! 

Hope you all have a blessed and wonderful Christmas!! :)

Shop now at!

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  1. Hope you have a wonderful & blessed Christmas! I'm certainly looking forward to being inspired once again by you in the new year. Vxx

  2. That's wonderful to see you featured on so many blogs!!!
    I am sooo tempted to enter your new giveaway, I love dishware in that color - but in the holiday spirit, I don't feel it would be fair, since I won my lovely necklace from here not too long ago ;)

  3. veronica it's because of comments like yours that I love blogging so much! :D

    Thank you for your continual support!
    Have a Wonderful Christmas, and look forward to chatting some more in 2011!! :)


  4. Cris, querida,
    Desejo que consiga descansar bastante e curtir a sua linda família!
    Um Natal cheio de amor, paz, alegria e muito sucesso pra você!
    vim agradecer as dicas sobre festa chinesa, com os links que me enviou e que me deram várias ideias para a festa da minha filhinha, que aconteceu domingo passado.
    obrigada pela amizade, carinho, generosidade e gentileza de sempre!
    Você mora no meu coração!

  5. Original Drama Mama, you can also enter this one! Don't be afraid! :)


  6. Simone meu anjo, eu que agradeço a amizade, carinho e apoio de sempre! Estou feliz em ter encontrado em vc alguém de especial e espero que 2011 lhe traga ainda mis sucesso e muita alegria com suas festasa lindas!!

    Vou la ver se vc ja postou as fotos rsrsrsrs

    Tenham um Feliz Natal!!!

  7. Cris
    que chiquérrimoooooo! Você mereceeee!

  8. Total pleasure to feature your fabulous work!
    Happy Christmas!
    Rachie xo

  9. Merry Christmas Bird! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season! Looking forward to everything you have in store for 2011.



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[name=Cristina Riches aka Bird] [img=] [description=Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, content creator & social media marketing influencer, graphic designer, freelance photographer and writer (for English, French and Portuguese-speaking publications), magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, BHG Magazine, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Sony, Sizzix, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.] (facebook= (pinterest= (instagram= (youtube= (twitter=

Follow on Instagram @BirdsParty