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About Me

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Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, graphic designer, freelance photographer, magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.

DIY Crepe Paper Flowers Bouquet

DIY Crepe Paper Flowers Bouquet for Mother's Day or Weddings -

Remember the giant paper roses I made for this shoot? Well, these area  smaller version of the roses but using crepe paper instead and making them into a beautiful bouquet for Mother's Day (weddings too or any other occasion you fancy!)

They are so pretty, long-lasting, and easy to make, and are the perfect gift or craft for kids to get involved in (with a little supervision of course, as there are wire cutters involved!). 

My daughter LOVED crafting with me on the weekend; and as a proud mom (not ashamed to say) I just couldn't help myself and took some extra shots of my precious, pretty in pink baby ♥

DIY Crepe Paper Flowers Bouquet for Mother's Day or Weddings -

Mother's Day Easy Craft: DIY Crepe Paper Flower Bouquet -

Instead of the diamond bling the the center like with the roses, I used another tutorial idea I had posted waaaay back here, but with gold crepe paper instead of fabric for the flower centers.

Gold crepe paper is my latest discovery and I am slightly obsessed with it! It's fab for wrapping gifts, chocolate bars and making all sorts of crafty things! YUM!! :)

Mother's Day Easy Craft: DIY Crepe Paper Flower Bouquet -
Mother's Day Easy Craft: DIY Crepe Paper Flower Bouquet -

Anyways, on with the tutorial..

Mother's Day Easy Craft: DIY Crepe Paper Flower Bouquet -

DIY Crepe Paper Flower Bouquet 

Materials Needed:

* Crepe Paper in your colors of choice - I used pastel pink and salmon colors
* Gold Crepe paper - From most craft stores
* Green Floral Wire
* Hot Glue
* Double-sided tape
* Wire Cutters
* White Card stock
* Round Paper Puncher - Optional

Mother's Day Easy Craft: DIY Crepe Paper Flower Bouquet -


Step 1 - Cut petal shapes (doesn't have to be perfect) out of crepe paper. If using a roll, it's easier to cut many at once as shown. Also petal size will dictate how big your bloom is.

Step 2 - With your fingers, shape the petals by pulling them upwards to curve them slightly.

Step 3 - Start gluing the petals in a spiral fashion onto a circle of white card stock, slightly overlapping each petal onto the previous one. 

Step 4 - Use double-sided tape for this and carry on building your flower. Do another layer of pink petals on top of the first; gluing them slightly more towards the center.

Mother's Day Easy Craft: DIY Crepe Paper Flower Bouquet -

Step 5 - Carry on as before, using slightly smaller petal sizes in a  contrasting color. I used salmon pink, and made 2 extra layers.

Step 6 - Now take a rectangle of the gold crepe paper about 2 inches wide and 12 inches long. Fold it in half width-ways.

Step 7 - Snip along the folded edge, half way down (about 1/2 inch cuts).

Step 8 - Roll the gold paper on itself, and using a dab of hot glue to secure as you roll. Fan out the top of the rolled paper.

DIY Crepe Paper Flowers Bouquet for Mother's Day or Weddings -

Step 9 - Hot glue the rolled part to the center of each flower.

Step 10 - With wire cutters (this part is NOT for kids), make a little loop on the end of the floral wire. Bend the loop at 90 degree angle o you have a flattish surface in which to work with.

Step 11 - Hot glue the wire to the back of each flower head. At this stage you can use a piece of green crepe paper or card to cover the hot glue - Simply thread it through the other end of the wire and secure in place while the glue is hot.

Step 12 - Vary your bloom sizes and gather stems together into a beautiful bouquet! 

Hope you enjoyed the tute, and feel free to put a PIN on it! ;)

More DIY party crafts here!

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[name=Cristina Riches aka Bird] [img=] [description=Cristina Riches aka Bird, is the founder of She's also a creative mom of two, published author, content creator & social media marketing influencer, graphic designer, freelance photographer and writer (for English, French and Portuguese-speaking publications), magazine editor and unconditional party lover. Her party ideas and photos have been featured on numerous publications such as, CNN Entertainment, BHG Magazine, Parenting Magazine, Celebrate Magazine, All You Magazine, Elle Decor and She also regularly creates content for brands such as PBS Parents, HGTV, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Pillsbury, PayPal, Sony, Sizzix, Mars, Hellmann's, Cultura France and Danone to name a few.] (facebook= (pinterest= (instagram= (youtube= (twitter=

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